The Reason That WPC Certificate is Ignored in India

WPC Certificate

WPC Certificate is essentially a business permit that the Wireless Planning Commission issues and people tend to ignore. As a license, it gives you the power to import wireless products in India. Considering India’s infatuation with all things digitization, one would think that people would be rushing towards this particular business permit. So when people ignore it, it makes us wonder.

Also known in India as another name: ETA certificate India or Equipment Type Approval that has only recently gained some amount of attention. It’s a license that one can perceive to be of utmost importance to any importer, especially if that importer belongs to the tech sector. So, why the ignorance.

Lack of Understandable Knowledge About The License

The government has done a bad job promoting the ETA license. It has only done so using notifications. In hindsight, they should be enough. However, if any of you have read any government notification, you know how non-comprehensible they can be. Their legal language cannot be understood by common individuals. Combine that with technical jargon that is only suitable for certain officials, you have the main reason people tend to ETA certificate for import.

If the notifications are that in-understandable, then why is the license is suddenly gaining traction in India. It’s because of WPC ETA consultant. He is an expert who not only has to provide certification services to the clients, but also has to decode the notifications so that these clients can understand it.

Confusion About What Product is Getting Certification

The entire subject of ETA certification can be too complex for even the experts to understand. One of the greatest confusion that the certification has caused is that it hasn’t specified which products have to get certification. It’s only after studying the frequency spectrum document that our experts were able to decode the following:

  1. Wireless products that work within the delicensed bands of frequency spectrum have to be certified by WPC. Their applicants must apply for ETA certification through self declaration.
  2. Wireless products that work within licensed bands of the frequency spectrum have to be certified by the ETA. However, the manufacturers of these products have to follow a more stringent process. It involves Radio frequency testing of these equipments.
  3. Wireless products that work within the unlicensed bands don’t require any form of certification.

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Most Wireless Products Work Within Unlicensed Bands

Consider a product like a wireless mouse or a keyboard. How much interference their frequency can cause to other equipments? The answer is next to none. It’s because they work within unlicensed bands. And when we are talking about unlicensed bands, ETA certification is largely ignored.

As only Frequency Is Certified, The Product Need Not Be Certified Later

Let us make one thing that confuses people as clearer as possible: it’s not the product that gets the equipment type approval, it’s the frequency. Once that frequency is approved of, the product that work under it are allowed to be imported.

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From an importers perspective, if it conducts an ETA certificate search and finds out that the product he is importing works at the frequency that the WPC has already approved of, he won’t need to apply for the certification. However, he DOES have to tell the WPC that his product complies to that frequency.


With time, each and every reason people have ignored this license is coming to light. However, that’s not to say that knowing about the license is NOT important for you. If you think that your product doesn’t need certification, you better verify it before making that assumption. Reach out to our ETA certification consultants to verify whether or not you need ETA certificate.

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