Expanding your business horizon is never too late, yet, you have successfully tapped local market and closed few deals, then it’s the time to look for the prospects in the global market.
With no doubt, going into international field could be highly profitable because there is a broader pool of potential buyers. Therefore there will be a tendency to close a higher number of deals than made locally. Researches have effectively demonstrated that enterprises deal solely with overseas clienteles have had a larger amount of profitability.
Here, you can find some of the best international real estate marketing strategies recommended by Dubai’s leading real estate developer& brokerage company, Texture Properties, to hone your global marketing approach:
A Break-In Strategy
Having a great rapport with luxury stores offering expensive jewelries and antiques is a good way to break in to foreign high end market. Real estate gurus admit whenever they explore a new country as a visitor, they made sure to frequent luxury shops and strain to involve business with them. While engaging as an agent is a difficult task to do, investing as a customer would straight away gets the job done. You can lookup online a list of luxury dealers and select the most appropriate one to work with.
Know Your Client
It’s crucial to know your customer’s details such as the nationality, his business portfolio and the brass tracks of his lifestyle. Having a thorough knowledge of your client is the key to access global market, as an effort to proper connection is the core of potential successful deal. Once someone refers you as a salesperson, try to engage in the best manner and eventually make sure there is a contract in place before your client jets out so your rivals are kept away.
Be A Guide As Well
Clients from outside of the country often need more guidance and specific details through the process. Being more helpful on the business procedures will be appreciated as they might not be familiar due to their foreign status. This requires you being the service supplier of lawyers, advisors and contractors. This could be a big advantage but also a daunting task if you are a small company. Once you successfully gain your client’s trust, he or she will consider you as a confidante. This is not a hard process if you have got a little hand on academic knowledge and information about certain properties in the area, which also in turn boosts the credibility of your business.
A Range Of Inventories
Having a stock of properties that lure in particular types of customers is another key to cementing the real estate game. For instance, foreign clients are most likely be interested in buying the properties in the primary areas or in coastal communities. Bare that in mind, and try to gather a fond of inventories stocked up along the downtown or coastlines, to be a guide ready whenever there is a new potential lead.
If you have decided to function across borders, better If you are well informed about your products and willing to give an expert advice. Foreign clients will not compromise on the quality of the service you give. It’s essential if you had a proper knowledge in not only the local market but also overseas markets so that the customer will be happy in the comparisons decisions while you can pitch perfectly and impress him.
Breaking Language Barriers
Interacting with a customer in their language plays an important role to make them feel at home and make them feel connected to you. Speak in their language if you can, or, post in their language of the target population in your real estate blogs, vlogs and social media channels to attract them.
International buyers are always on the move and your approach has to be adjusted to them.
They will most likely use their mobile devices or tablets to view listings of properties. It’s ideal if upload images of the properties in such a way that it looks both appealing on small screen devices as well as larger screens.
Don’t Use Culture-Specific Words
Be cautious on using words which could have a different implications in other cultures when dealing with foreign customers. Steer clear of certain abbreviations that you might not sure of is the right way in the direction. Say or explain something simply and very clearly to avoid troubles. Moreover, make sure to use the client’s metric system when referring to the size and space of the area.
In any case, dealing with any client entails you to get more future clients. Another thing is that amount of trust you could garner from international client is higher than similar from a local client because you will be performing all of the work. Outcomes are very positive when you maintain the good rapport with a foreign client, chances are either he will come back to you again for another transaction or he will introduce another client and perhaps a list of acquaintances. So it’s always good to keep an old customer in the loop, and keep reminding your existence and finally would make a mark. Relationship after the deal is closed is very important in international real estate pawn.
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