Top Tips to Offer Better eCommerce Experience To Your Customers

customer experience

Regardless of the industry you are in, you have to worry about the customer experience you offer. It is because you are always measured against the most powerful and incredible experience that the customer has had. Seems like a daunting task?

Well, it indeed is. It is because around seventy-three percent of the customers believe that customer experience plays a pivotal role in purchasing decisions.

But, in terms of eCommerce, what is customer experience? You can understand customer experience as the perception that the customers form depending on their interactions with the company. These interactions may happen online, in-store, via email, or over the phone.

As far as eCommerce is concerned, the customer experience that a customer has with a platform decides how he will feel about your business and how he further communicates and connects with your business. Thus, customer experience directly influences his future behaviour,’ comments Daisy, an online reviewer who did the best fish finder review.

So, how can an eCommerce platform try to better the customer experience? Let us read below to find out.

Try to Delight The Customers.

Following a prevalent study, only increasing the retention rate by five percent will accentuate the profits by twenty-five percent. Therefore, organizations that acknowledges the vitality of customer retention work hard to offer a seamless customer experience to their buyers.

Some of the ideas that you can use for customer delight are as follows:

  1. Loyalty points or email rewards after the customer shops for a product: These points can be redeemed later on.
  2. Sending out thank you emails following a purchase. Alternatively, you can even write thank you gift cards, depending on the number of customers you have. ‘
  3. Organize a referral program, which can benefit both the existing customers and new shoppers.
  4. Give away free gifts, such as mugs, t-shirts, keychains with your order to some of your most loyal customers

Make the Website User-friendly.

Customers desire an easy-to-navigate page, enabling them to browse the products and look for what they need. This is the reason every online store must be organized into categories, just like a physical store.

‘When designing the website for your online store, you must ensure that the search button is easy to locate. Further, everything on the website must be tagged and categorized in the back end,’ comments David, an online reviewer who did the review for the best trimmer for balls.

In eCommerce, all customers usually fall under three categories:

  1. Customers who know what they need.
  2. Customers who are only there to browse.
  3. Customers who need some help to filter through the products.

On a website with a well-designed search feature, customers can easily get what they need. One of the finest examples of a brilliant website is Zara’s website. The website presents all the categories as a carousel. They also have a giant search bar that is big and clearly visible right at the top.

The website is pretty straightforward, and there are no unnecessary options to confuse or distract the customer.

Optimize the Website for Mobile

Another factor that you should not ignore is mobile optimization. Following a Sale Cycle review, approximately sixty-five percent of the website visits and fifty-three percent of the sales occur on mobile.

So, it clearly means that if the online website is not optimized for mobile, it will not cater to approximately fifty percent of your potential customers.

Here are a few tips that can help you optimize your online platform for mobile:

  1. Make sure that the mobile version of the website is easily navigable.
  2. Do not have heavy content on your mobile website.
  3. Keep it very straightforward.
  4. Ensure that the font is legible.
  5. Balance out the white space.
  6. Make sure the website loads quickly on the mobile.

Upsell and Cross-sell

Providing your customers with genuine and relevant products is indeed an excellent way to offer them a genuine quality online experience. Do ensure that you do not bother the buyers with an unnecessary selection of products.

Always provide them with relevant product suggestions, which complement the shopping art. It always helps to give them a valuable offer, along with a clear call to action. You should carefully decide on the message’s frequency. The constant upsell tends to alienate the clients.

When you provide your customers with complementary products and good discounts, you can connect people to your online store and make them your loyal customers.

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Provide a Clear and Easy Returns Policy

The biggest challenge with online shopping is that the customers cannot try the product before shopping for it. So, when you have a convenient returns policy, it makes the customer feel confident that even if they do not like what they just bought, they can return it without any inconvenience. Also, all the details about your return policy must be easy to locate on the website.

Follow up

Following a purchase, you need to follow up with your customer to ensure that they did not experience any hassle throughout the process. You can utilize the contact details of the customers that you fetched during the order process.

Further, to get repeat business from a customer, you can offer them special offers and discounts, new products and services. This can be an effective way to grow your business.

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