Can You Get BEE Certificate For a Sole Proprietor?

BEE Certificate

Bureau of Energy Efficiency Certification or BEE certificate gives the electrical appliance you produce a star rating. It informs the customers about the energy efficiency of your product. Higher star rating means that these customers won’t have to pay high electrical bills when using your appliance. It’s attractive trait for any electric appliance manufacturer. What if that manufacturer is a sole proprietor?

One of the greatest questions that people ask about BEE certification is this: Can I get a BEE certificate for a sole proprietor?

It has been asked over and over again and from the looks of it, most people haven’t got any answer to it yet. Well, your wait is over. This blog is solely dedicated to giving you the answer. But to know it, you have to read till the end. It won’t only give you this answer about Bureau of Energy Efficiency Registration, it would also give you the reason behind it.

There are Two Stages of BEE Certification Process

BEE registration process is organized in two stages. That’s why, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency only aspects an organized business entity to go through it. The two stages are as follows:

  1. BEE brand registration: It’s the stage where the brand of the electrical appliance gets branded with BEE registration. You won’t be given a star rating at this stage, but it will open a door that you can go through to get it. 
  2. BEE model registration: Once the brand gets the approval of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, you can apply for getting BEE model registration – getting star ratings for your electrical appliance. 

What is the process to obtain brand registration by BEE

For getting BEE to consider you worthy of a star rating, follow the steps below:

  1. First, register yourself at the BEE portal. 
  2. Once you receive the login, search for BEE registration module.
  3. Once you’ve searched for the module, file the application for BEE certificate online.
  4. After you’re done filling the application form, you’ll receive the prompt to upload the required documents. 
  5. After uploading the required documents, BEE will start the assessment of your application. 
  6. If the Bureau doesn’t find any issues with your application or your documents, you’ll receive BEE brand registration. 

What is the process to obtain BEE Model registration?

Getting certification for the brand is merely half the step, to move fully forward, you need star rating for the model. And to do that, you’ll have to follow the steps below:

  1. As soon as you receive notification that your brand has been registered, send your product to an independent lab. 
  2. Ask that lab to run an energy efficiency test on your electrical appliance. Afterwards, get the test results and attach it with the rest of the required documents. 
  3. Login at the BEE registration portal and go to your dashboard. 
  4. File the application of BEE certificate registration for your model. 
  5. Pay the requisite fees.
  6. The BEE will then run a few tests of their own on your electrical appliance. 
  7. If the test results match with what you’ve gotten from the independent lab, you’ll get your desired star rating. 

There are many parts involved with BEE Certificate Registration

Your brand has to be unique. And your business should have a proper business structure in order for that to happen. Thus, in most cases, it’s the companies or partnership that apply for BEE certification service. 

Reads More: TEC Approval

What does that mean for sole proprietorship?

Unlike a company or a partnership, a sole proprietorship isn’t an organized business entity. In most instances, it’s just a shop that either retails or sells. It’s not a possibility to setup a factory being a sole proprietor. And BEE certification is issued to the manufacturing entities. Thus, you cannot obtain BEE certificate for a Sole proprietor.

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