TEC Approval: An Important Certificate That No One Knows About

TEC Approval

The reasons that so many businesses fail in India is due to lack of awareness of business licenses. And it’s not the fault of those businesses. The government has made the business licenses important at every turn. However, it hasn’t shown any vigilance in making the people aware of them. TEC approval is one of those types of business licenses. 

What is TEC certification? Simply put, it’s the permit to import telecom equipments in India. It’s issued by the Telecommunication Engineering Center or the TEC. Before issuing this certificate, that engineering centre, tests the equipment on certain parameters:

  1. Whether the product is working at a non-interfering frequency.
  2. Whether the product can harm other equipment connected to it. 
  3. Whether the product has the potential to harm a person. 
  4. Whether the product bears the potential to pose threat to national security. 

If the product is working at a non-interfering frequency, is safe for people, can’t harm other equipments to it and poses no threat to the national security, only then the TEC issues to the importer of that product – the TEC approval certificate.

In this article, you’ll know the steps you can take (with a consultant by your side) in order to obtain TEC certification in India. 

TEC Certification Process Explained in Few Steps

The process to obtain TEC registration is a hybrid of online and offline steps. 

  1. First, you need to create a login at portal for TEC certification. To create a login, you need to first obtain the approval from the engineering center. You can do so by uploading the following documents:
    1. Authorization letter giving the right of filing the application to an Authorized Indian representative. 
    2. Authorization letter giving the right of filing the application to an Indian OEM.

Note: The original manufacturers of imported telecom products are foreign companies. For them to export their products in India, they have to work in tandem with the importers. These importers first have to get approval from TEC for their AIR (Authorized Indian representative)

  1. Once the login is created, you can file the application for TEC certification India. 
  2. Once the application is filed, you’ll be asked to upload the supporting documents. Do so and finalize the submission by paying the fees. 

That ends the online procedure

  1. After submitting the online application, download it and take it’s print out. 
  2. Attach this printout with the hardcopies of the documents. Put these documents in a package containing a sample of telecom equipment. 
  3. Send the package to Telecommunication Engineering Centre’s branch office in your state.
  4. The engineering centre will then test the equipment at their in house lab. 
  5. If the test meets the parameters that they are looking for, you’ll receive the approval to import it via TEC registration. 

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You need a TEC Approval Consultant in the Above Process

The details that you need to fill in the application form are complex, and so are the documents that you need to submit. Thus, at each step, you’ll be much better off if you have a TEC approval consultant to aid you. They can act as your Authorized Indian Representative. In turn, everything from filing the application to conducting the following up will be their responsibility. Moreover, these experts are privy to the hidden intricacies involved with this certificate. And when you consider that the information about the license has just come in limelight, you’d need all the help you can get. 


TEC approval certificate is one license that no one is familiar with, except for the consultants. So, if your plan is to start a business that hinges on importing telecom equipment from foreign countries, get reach to acquire this certificate. And get in touch with our consultants while you’re at it, we are the best at this job. 

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