Get Your SEO Strategy Right

SEO strategy

What is an SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, through which you practice increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. SEO practitioners are people who optimize websites to help them get better ranking on SERPs and gain more organic traffic. In reality, an SEO is a specialized content strategy that helps a business discover opportunities to answer questions people have about their respective businesses.

But Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t what it used to be earlier. What you don’t hear as often is your SEO strategy for 2021 shouldn’t only focus on keywords. Now most businesses have realized the importance of SEO and why it’s important for them. Therefore, when you are supposed to develop and execute a sound SEO strategy for your business, just creating content for the keywords your customers are looking for is taxing and wrong too.

In social media too, the unprecedented popularity of established channels such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter is directly linked to the huge traffic they receive on their official websites, and credit goes to their super talented SEO strategists. The new channels like Vero, Hello, and CoNnEcTd India have also learned this important lesson, and have come out with formidable websites of their own.  In this article, we will explain what SEO strategy is, and how you create your own to help you meet your content marketing goals.

Why you Need SEO Strategy in the First Place?

An SEO strategy helps you organize a website’s content by topic to improve the probability of appearing in search results. It is process you follow to maximize the opportunity to gain organic traffic from search engines.

An SEO strategy is essential because it helps you stay on the course while creating content. Hence, instead of just creating what you think people are looking for, your strategy will ensure that you’re mostly creating content that normally people are searching for.

An SEO strategy is crucial for content marketing, because it is how your content will become visible in the first place, especially in search engine result pages, or SERPs. If your content is not organized, search engine bots will face difficulty in indexing your site, identifying your area of authority, and ranking your site.

SEO Strategy for Mobile

Mobile SEO is the most important factor to consider while creating your entire strategy. Through Mobile optimization, you can ensure your site and site content is available and accessible to visitors on mobile devices, so that they can have the same experience and receive the same value as any other desktop user.

Mobile optimization is crucial, as Google also practices mobile-first indexing. In other words, instead of crawling a desktop site, the algorithm will use the mobile version of your site while indexing, and ranking pages for SERPs. Additionally, 61% of Google search queries in the U.S. take place on mobile devices. Therefore, your SEO strategy would just not work without prioritizing mobile optimization.

Actually, it’s not an altogether different process, but there are distinct considerations for mobile SEO like monitoring page speed, local SEO, responsive site design, and creating a high-quality content, regardless of device it’s viewed on.

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An SEO Strategist Should Focus on Three Types of SEO Technique.

On-page SEO:

This technique focuses on the content that’s present on site pages, and how to optimize it to boost the website’s ranking for particular keywords.

Off-page SEO:

Here, the focus is on links directed to the website from a different site on the internet. The backlinks from reputable sources tremendously helps you build trust with search algorithms.

Technical SEO:

This approach focuses on a website’s backend architecture, like site code. Google gives same importance to the technical set-up as it does with the content. So this is equally important for rankings. One of the finest examples of this technique can be found on the dynamic website of CoNnEcTd India, a social media lifestyle app.

Never forget that every business has a different objective, and it is an SEO’s job to examine their industry, determine what their audiences care about, and come out with a strategy that gives them what they are actually looking for.

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